
I work as a journalist in New Mexico. 

My poetry has been published in several literary magazines. My two favorites are Conceptions Southwest and Roanoke Review.

I was nominated for a Pushcart Prize by The Raven Chronicles for my poem The Second to Last Hookup.

Poetry performances during the 2018 Southwest Shootout. Photo credits: Brooke Von Blomberg
  • Poetry Prompt No. 19
    Some say the sonnet’s overrated, outdated or overdone. I say let’s write one. Clearly, I’m feeling rhyme-y this week. What better way to express your rhyme than with a 10-syllable line? An English sonnet has 14 lines, each with 10 syllables. The lines are in iambic pentameter, so the syllables in your line should readContinue reading “Poetry Prompt No. 19”
  • Three love poems you should listen to
    Slam poetry and spoken word are so good at getting right to the guts of a thing. That combination of performance and poetry is literally designed to give chills. Here are three poems on love that aren’t so romantic.
  • Poetry Prompt No. 18
    Love poems, they’re kind of the best in my book. I would bet money that I’ve written more love poems than any other kind of writing in my life. More love poems than essays, articles, songs, fictional stories, grocery lists. Okay, probably fewer love poems than grocery lists, but you get the idea. Love poemsContinue reading “Poetry Prompt No. 18”
  • New poem published and taking breaks
    An old poem found a new home in December! A poem I wrote several years ago, A Pregnancy Scare in Three Parts, was published in December by Welter Online. Thanks to the lovely staff there who are very courteous and quick emailers. It’s the first time I’ve had any poems published since 2019. It’s alwaysContinue reading “New poem published and taking breaks”
  • Poetry Prompt No. 17
    Write a poem based on your favorite family recipe. Pick a recipe you love. Maybe it’s one you whip up for family gatherings, maybe it’s mom’s classic BBQ chicken, grandma’s fudge, your older brother’s holiday specialty. Start with the text of the recipe itself. If it’s not written down, see if you can coax theContinue reading “Poetry Prompt No. 17”